the bluebonnet norfolk terrier club
Tips On Living With Your Norfolk
Tip Of The Week
© TBNTC2020
Content is not warranted or endorsed by The Bluebonnet Norfolk Terrier Club but is intended as a reference guide for living with Norfolks. previous previous Thanksgiving brings the danger of too much fat, poultry bones and a surfeit of leftovers. Poultry bones can splinter, puncturing the dog's intestinal tract, excess fat (including the turkey skin) and rich leftovers can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even hot spots. If you want your pets to share the Thanksgiving meal, limit their portion to a tablespoon of gravy and some leftover vegetables (not corn or onions) stirred into their regular kibble. They can skip the pie; a dog biscuit spread with peanut butter is tasty, and much better for them. Keeping a Canine First Aid Kit with you at all times can save your dog's life! Tape, anti-diarrhea medication, antihistamine and general antibiotic should be included, and you should consult your veterinarian for additional suggestions. Watch for expiration dates on all medications. Moistening Your Dog's Food helps prevent bloating and assists the digestive system so that the liver and other digestive organs do not have to work so hard to process the food. Puppy Teeth: Check daily after they are about 16 weeks. It doesn't take but a few hours to ruin a mouth when a permanent is coming in and the baby tooth is still there. Canine Dental Specialists say you have about 32 hours from the time you see the bud of the tooth before it affects the alignment of the teeth. More bites are ruined not because of genetics but because of luck with the permanent teeth coming in. They have to come in at the right time...uppers and lowers and if they don't, then you get "pop" teeth and other problems. Also playing tug of war with puppies is a very bad idea for teeth. Dental Disease signaficantly reduces your dog's life span. After your dog has exercised in a foreign environment (such as a dog show, taking a walk in the neighborhood, or while traveling), wipe its feet and rear with a clorox wipe. This will not only help keep your car and/or house or motel room cleaner, it will help avoid disease. Your pet's safety belt in a car is either a crate or special harness that can be hooked to the car's seat belt. In case of an accident, your pet stands a much better chance of survival.
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